Mineral Exploration Drilling

Mineral Exploration Drilling

Henderson Drilling Inc. uses reliable equipment and experienced drillers to ensure your engineers and planners have the information they need.

water drilling wyomingHenderson Drilling offers all solutions for minerial explotation drilling with mud rotary rigs and auger rigs. Additionally offer all support equipment from the start thru the end of the project. 

Our drillers make use of the latest drilling equipment and support equipment, as well modern drilling procedures on our projects. This, combined with our past experience and knowledge of the geological conditions in the area, we are able to offer you quality constructed projects at an affordable price. The drilling industry is ever growing and we aim to keep up with the always-changing regulations and standards.

  • Step One: Call Henderson Drilling at 307-472-1270 to schedule a free estimate
  • Step Two: Our Experts will connect with you, listen to your goals and answer any questions about the process
  • Step Three: We will schedule the job and complete the job

Request An Estimate


Wyoming Drilling & Drilling Services • State of Wyoming Licensed

Proudly Serving Wyoming Since 2007